Family Possessions
Written and directed by Tommy Faircloth and produced by Robert Zobel, “Family Possessions” is the fourth feature film from Faircloth and stars Jason Vail (Gut, Dollface, Valley of the Sasquatch), Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), and in his first horror film since “Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge”, Mark Patton.
The story revolves around a young girl named Rachael Dunn, played by Leah Wiseman (Dollface, Dismembering Christmas), who inherits her estranged grandmother’s house. Rachael and her family move into the house and soon after strange occurrences begin to happen. Rachel uncovers a secret about her grandmother that her parents had been hiding. As she struggles with the decision to stay in the house or not, she realizes that some family secrets should remain...buried. The film is inspired by actual events and was filmed in a historic mansion in Greenville, North Carolina.
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List of "Upcoming SCREAMings" and appearances in 2016/2017:
October 21:
October 29:
November 5:
November 18:
February 4:
February 17:
March 17:
March 17-18:
March 25:
April 21:
May 5:
May 26:
June 2:
Sept: 2
Sept 9:
Sept 22:
Sept 23:
October 7:
October 21:
November 7:
World Premiere - Nightmares Film Festival, Columbus, OH
(Winner Best Overall Feature Film)
Tapps Arts Center - Columbia, SC
Reedy Reels Film Festival - Greenville, SC
(Winner Best Feature)
Days of the Dead - Chicago, IL
Days of the Dead - Atlanta, GA
Beaufort International Film Festival - Beaufort, SC
(Nominated Best Feature Film, Best Comedy)
HorrorHound Weekend - Cincinnati, OH
(Nominated Best Feature, Best Actress - Erika Edwards)
Charleston Film Festival - Charleston, SC
Mad Monster Party - Rock Hill, SC
(Winner Best Feature)
Myrtle Beach International Film Festival - Myrtle Beach, SC
(Winner Best Feature, Winner Best Thriller)
Shock Stock - Ontario, Canada
(Winner "Wizard of Words" Best Screenplay)
Famous Monsters Convention - Dallas, TX
Scare-A-Con - Springfield, MA
Days of the Dead - Louisville, KY
GenreBlast Film Festival - Winchester, VA
(Winner Best Actress Leah Wiseman, Best Special Effects)
Wreak Havoc Horror Film Festival - Greensboro, NC
Austin Revolution Film Festival - Austin, TX
(Winner Best Horror Feature, Best Actress - Leah Wiseman, Best Producer - Robert Zobel, Director's Choice Actor - Jason Vail, Totstevin Award - Tommy Faircloth)
Indie Horror Drive-In Film Fest - Pittsburg, PA
San Antonio Horrific Film Fest - San Antonio, TX (with Felissa Rose)
(Winner "Best Feature"
Toronto Indie Horror Fest - Toronto, Ontario Canada